Got to checkout @theweeksmusic at the Cowan last week. I even shot 3 rolls of B&W film which captured the vibe so well. Keep it up boys!Film – @boutiquefilmlabNikon F100 | 35/1.4 | Tri-X 400 +2#theweeksmusic #blackandwhiteisworththefight #filmisnotdead #believeinfilm #livemusicvenue #nashville

Got to checkout @theweeksmusic at the Cowan last week.  I even shot 3 rolls of B&W film which captured the vibe so well.  Keep it up boys!Film - @boutiquefilmlabNikon F100 | 35/1.4 | Tri-X 400 +2#theweeksmusic #blackandwhiteisworththefight #filmisnotdead #believeinfilm #livemusicvenue #nashville

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