New Year…New Me

I did it, I finally decided to start a blog!  Hopefully this will force me to become a better writer and a better person.  What can you expect to see from me?  Maybe it will be a chance to let others know how I feel about things.  Also, it will let me share my passion for photography, mountain biking, music, etc.  I decided to title it I’m Just Sayin’ after a phrase that I use often.  I can’t promise to write a post every week, but I will do my best to update it frequently.  Who knows, maybe I will go viral and become a internet celeb…I’m just sayin’.

  I guess I should give props to my wife tonight for not making me turn Valentine’s Day into a big production.  This is normally when I put on an apron and cook my one meal for the year.  However, tonight’s events were quite the opposite, she cooked for me!!  After all, I think we have both had enough with annual Kung Pao Chicken. 

  What transpired on the kitchen table was magnificent.  It was Shepard’s Pie.  Although no lamb was harmed during the making of this movie, it was meat all the same.  For a first time recipe it impressed as if it were a long-time favorite.  The dim lighting and the personalized center piece made for a romantic setting right at home.  I for one was glad not to have to fight for a reservation at a crowded restaurant.  After all St. Valentine himself would have been proud to have dined with us tonight.  I just hope he sticks around long enough to help with the dishes…I’m just sayin’.




2 Responses to “New Year…New Me”

  1. Margaret says:

    I love you…. I’m just sayin’!

  2. DeAnne Gammon says:

    Hope you’re having a wonderful birthday!

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